Piracy in UA

Piracy in UA

Here is how I would do it. I would split the process into three stages. Pay attention that even Stage 1 is much better than present status quo.

Stage 1. Three years.

1. We do not touch physical persons.
2. We do not affect businesses.
3. We require all state and government bodies to use legal content only already at this stage.
4. We create unique international project “The World to support Ukraine”. By supporting this initiative, the producers of content would agree to provide end users from Ukraine with commercial licenses of their content for free (or heavily discounted). So people of Ukraine would start getting used to the legal stuff and enjoy benefits it brings.


1. Extra opportunity for the world to support Ukraine.
2. No new anger in people of the country – huge plus nowadays. State starts from itself, not from the people. Almost 100% of software in government offices are pirated versions as of today.  ))
3. People are getting used to legal stuff.
4. The challenge is collaborating with the vendors but hey there have to be some challenges. ))

Stage 2. Also three years.

1. All conditions from stage 1 are valid plus:
2. All businesses are urged to use legal stuff. Provided what we did on stage 1, often it means paying for ASM only.
3. Our initiative now encourages content producers to offer discounts to UA businesses while still giving free stuff to people.
4. We can run some social campaigns like “I am not a thief” on this stage.
5. We introduce penalties to the government and commercial bodies violating the rules.


1. Content producers are starting to get some money here. They are becoming happy.
2. The population still enjoys free stuff but when in the office enjoys the world of legal content.

Stage 3. Three years and we are legal at the end.

1. All are required to pay.
2. Campaigns in media supporting fair play with content etc.
3. Portal becomes the biggest legal content reseller or legislation information source in Ukraine.
4. Prosecution including criminal for those who violate IP rights. Changes in legislation are coming here.


1. As you see, we started to fight the piracy only after 6-7 years. By this time hopefully, there will not be much of it left. During this time, we had a lot of good publicity. We improved Ukraine’s image. We gathered world businesses to help Ukraine. We raised people who are used to legal content.

Artem Berman

Artem Berman

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